French Polynesia: Entry 1

8 February 2003: Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia

Subject: French Polynesia

French Keyboards!

Hello qgqin fro, Tqhiti qnd the zorldàs ,ost qakzqrd keyboqrd lqyout! ?qny congrqtulqtions if you cqn understqnd qny of this: Q=A; A=Q; W=Z; Z=W:

This is just q auick report to let you knoz thqt Iàll be stqying here until ?ondqy qnd then flying to the Cook Islqnds; zhere I hope thqt it costs less thqn tzenty pounds for q hostel bed! But I q, enjoying ,y fez dqys here seeing so,e nice beqches qnd ,useu,s: