If you're trying to use a computer with a different keyboard layout from the one you're used to to access the internet, you have come to the right place. QWAZERTY converts the letters and symbols that you actually type into the ones in the same places on the keyboard that you are more used to.
To start, just select the keyboard layout that you're actually using and the one that you normally use from the menus below. Then type into the box (with your eyes closed). It should come out as if you'd typed it on your more familiar keyboard. Once you've written your whole email message - or whatever it is - copy and paste it into your email application (or whatever).
I strongly advise you to do a quick check that everything works before you spend ages typing something in. This comes with no guarantees! In particular, if you go to another web page and then come back here the text that you entered will probably be GONE FOREVER. Troubleshooting hints are further down the page.